Hi, I'm Romly! こんにちは、Romlyです。日本語🇯🇵はコチラ。
I've been making Mechanical Keyboard⌨️ related/non​-​related stuff. Such as #Key​cap​pies, #軸の本(Me​chan​i​cal Switch Data Book) and some original shaped keycaps. Now I'm trying to make mech​-​key itself, named #Thumbxy!
Check out my works on the following shops: Key​cap​pies and 3D printed stuff on Shape​ways and DMM​.​make.
軸の本 and cute Kan​-​Colle 時雨 Keyboard book is on BOOTH.
Key​cap​pie printed goods are also available at Teespring and SU​ZU​RI.
Wanna see behind the scenes? Visit my blog: romly.com! And don't forget to follow me on Twit​ter and In​sta​gram. If you like Key​cap​pies and my stuff, please consider supporting me on Pa​treon. Your kind support makes me able to continue being creative! Thank you!
Oh and as you noticed, I'm a Japanese and not good at English. Sorry!🙇