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英語の記事[Written in English]


Number to Reading word Converter

Number -> English/Japanese word converter Input integer number. 桁数 English One Japanese いち For English, it uses the so-called "Short Scale" which changes its name every 3 figures. The Japanese one is a common reading that changes its scale name every 4 figures. According to 『塵劫記 (1634)』 from the website 巨大数研究Wiki


【SOLVED】PlatformIO Project Tasks grayed out and unable to use on VS Code

Yes, that’s all about it. FYI, the environment is macOS, VSCode 1.71 + PlatformIO 2.5.2 (both are the latest on Sep 2.). But the situation was the same on Windows.


【PS4】「The Last of Us Part II」Review. Pros and cons and its political correctness

I won’t recommend it. If you are fan of the series, I don’t recommend it at all. You are going to see only misunderstanding developers who made the plot which rubs up players the wrong way, and saying "See, you got mad don’t you? It’s moving people to their hearts!"


[Hugo] How to write a comment which for hidden (or shown) in HTML

Yes, Hugo’s syntax is quite unique… I have to google every each step while I’m trying write something. So here is how to write comments in Hugo.


Processing: Copy a text string to clipboard

I thought it is only for graphic processing, but actually it has some affinity to OS itself. It can copy a string to system’s clipboard. The code above worked on


Tried to do Bayer-dither with Unity Shader Graph

I thought “the node make possible the Bayer-dithering reduce color method?” After struggling it, I guess somehow I managed it. So let me show you the way I’ve done.


Mechanical Switch luxury catalog "Mechanical Switch Data Book 2" is complete!

Mechanical Switch Data Book 2 which is debut on last Comiket (C96) is already available at BOOTH. I think I didn't introduce it properly except my twitter so let me promote the book for you again! #軸の本2 です‼️📖 This is



夏コミ(C96)でご好評を頂きました軸の本2ですが、既にBOOTHからもご購入いただけるようになっております! そういえばツイッター以外でちゃんと宣伝してなかったので、改めておすすめポイントなど書かせて下さいな♪