Number to Reading word Converter
Number -> English/Japanese word converter
- For English, it uses the so-called "Short Scale" which changes its name every 3 figures.
- The Japanese one is a common reading that changes its scale name every 4 figures. According to 『塵劫記 (1634)』 from the website 巨大数研究Wiki.
- For now, it supports up to figures which means dovigintillion but does the iPhone clear the input when it reaches 39-ish figures?
I've been always struggling with reading English numbers. Every single time I have to look up a word for the number like "how much million is 10000000...?" So I finally tried to make this tool that converts a number to a word instantly.
Furthermore, it's also difficult to read a huge number for even native speakers that would never appear in daily life. So it can convert to both English and Japanese.
Japanese is a bit difficult since they have irregular Yomigana (pronunciation of kanji) for some patterns. Such as 百(hyaku) which will be turbid only when it comes after 三(three) like
“三百《さんびゃく》”, or
“八兆《はっちょう》” which is a combined pronounciation of the number and the scale name... For the latter case, I'm wondering that
“正《せい》” for 1072 or some of them also will be combined with a certain number like
“八正《はっせい》”. As a Japanese native speaker, I feel like it should be, but never know since I've never said such a huge number in my life. lol
I just left it as is for now.
I made it supports until dovigintillion which will never appear in daily life, but still, it's far far tiny compared to so-called large numbers. lol
日本語の数の単位 | 巨大数研究 Wiki | Fandom
Names of large numbers - Wikipedia
Naming Large Numbers
That's all for this article. Thank you for your reading.
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